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Відкритий урок

Date: 30 квітня 2021 о 18:32

Lesson 68

Form 5

Тема уроку: різна погода – різний одяг.

Мета уроку:

  • навчальна: активізувати лексику теми в усному мовленні, удосконалювати навички аудіювання, говоріння, тренувати учнів у письмі.
  • розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку та фонематичний слух, вміння співпрацювати у парах.
  • виховна: виховувати культуру спілкування та пізнавальний інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання та матеріали: підручник, роздатковий матеріал, телевізор.


Warming up: (3 min)

Good morning, dear pupils! How are you today? Let’s start our lesson with a short rhyme. Listen and repeat after me.

The sun is shining

And I am smiling,

The weather is bad

And I am sad

When it is dry

We are fine.

The weather is nice,

Isn’t it a surprise?!

What do you think of this poem? Do you like it? What is it about? As you understood, the topic of our lesson is weather. We are going to speak about different kinds of weather and about clothes we need to put on in such weather.

Speaking (6 min)

 (відео про погоду у різні пори року)

But at first let’s revise some vocabulary, we have already learnt. Watch the video and try to describe weather in different seasons.

Pupils are watching the video, then they are describing pictures (seasons)

How many seasons are there in a year?

How do you think, what season is this?

How is usually the weather in summer?

Do you like summer?

Vocabulary Revision (2 min)

We have already spoken a lot about different kinds of weather. Now let’s speak about clothes you need in different weather. Listen and repeat the words

Speaking (7 min)

Now you’ve revised the words. Please, look at the pictures and say, who has got the following items of clothes on

Writing (4 min)

Now you know how to choose the right clothes. That’s why I have prepared for you some tasks. But you should do it in pairs. Please look at the worksheet and fill in the right month, the right season, describe the weather and clothes you need for this weather. Each team has different card.

Listening (5 min)

Yesterday I received a letter from an English girl. Now you will listen to this letter, but some words are missing that’s why you have to fill in the gaps. Listen and be very attentive.  There are some new words for you on the blackboard, which may be unknown for you.

soon -незабаром            appearedз’явилися            changedзмінилася

  Hello boys and girls!

  My name is Ann. I am from London. I have my day-off today. It was very ___ (1) in the morning. And my friends and I went to play in the yard. It was warm. But soon many dark _____ (2) appeared in the sky. It was ___ _(3) and ____ (4). We ran home quickly. But after dinner the weather changed again. The weather is fine now. The __ (5)is blue and the ____ (6) is shining brightly.

We are very happy and are enjoying the weather now.

           What is the weather like in your village now?

           What is the weather like in your native country?

Now let’s read the letter, name the words instead the pictures.       

Can you find the sentences in Present Simple in this text?

… Past Simple?

… Present Continuous?

Grammar Practice

Let’s revise the tenses form.

What tenses have we already learnt ?

Why are they different?

1.She ______(not be) at the cinema yesterday.

2.Look! It_____  (snow).

3.My mum _____(make) a cake every Sunday.

4.I _______(play) tennis now.

5.He _____(phone) me two days ago.

6.We _____(drink) coffee at the moment.


Read and match the weather and clothes you need


Did you like our lesson?

What was the most difficult\the easiest task?

What task was the most interesting?


Ex. 1 p. 159

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